How much will the new building cost?
We are working hard to keep the project within a budget of around £3m, including building costs and professional and statutory fees.
How will cost increases be avoided?
We have no control over inflation or market forces but we will otherwise do our best to minimise increases in costs. Our cost plan will include a significant contingency sum to cover unexpected problems. We will also do our best to avoid any design adjustments after plans are finalised, so that construction work can proceed as efficiently as possible.
Where will the money come from?
We believe in the power of prayer and are trusting in our faithful and generous God to provide the balance of the funding we need. Please join with us in praying that God will supply all our needs not just for funding but also for wisdom and guidance as we take the project forward.
Much of the money paid into our Development Fund so far is from donations from church members and friends of the church – and our generous God has surprised us with gifts from unexpected sources. All gifts – however small – are very much appreciated, and all funds received will be spent with care.
Development Fund bank account details
Account name: Lee St Mildred Development
Account: 71835475
Sort code: 40-04-15
We encourage donors who are UK tax payers to complete Gift Aid declarations in order to allow us to recover basic rate tax on money donated.
Various fundraising activities have been arranged and more events are likely to follow, now that Covid restrictions are eased.
We will also be pursuing other appropriate sources of funding including grants from public bodies and charitable trusts. Our funding policy prevents us from applying to the National Lottery for a grant.
A tithe of 10% is reserved from all gifts made to the Development Fund (and from any interest accrued and any tax relief payments). Grants received from public bodies and charitable trusts will not be tithed but will be applied 100% to the specific purposes for which they are given. Distribution of tithed funds will be at the PCC’s discretion but with the expectation that the money will be applied towards one or more suitable Christian mission projects requiring capital funding, such as building a new church overseas.