Information about prayer meetings (for access codes to individual meetings please see the bottom of the page)
We will meet to pray 'remotely' from our own homes. With the wonders of technology, large groups of us can still meet together over the phone (or the appropriate app on a smart phone or other device - the app is "Webex Meet").
All you need to know is the right phone number to dial at the right time and then you enter the meeting number and password. App users just need to click on the correct link.
Our regular prayer meeting will continue:
Weekly on Mondays at 9:30am for half an hour.
Fortnightly on Wednesday at 8pm
The prayer meetings have their own access code and app links. These details will stay the same for the prayer meeting and will not change week by week. The details are included below at the bottom of this page.
There will be a great gathering of us meeting for prayer. This is much more straightforward than you might think; give it a try!
Please note the following guidelines:
Please note the following guidelines:
Prayer Meeting Access Codes
Meeting Details
Click Link for Apps
(Fortnightly) |
Phone: 020 3051 2874
ID: 846 9705 7378 Phone: 020 3051 2874
ID: 813 0307 0861 Phone: 020 3051 2874
ID: 895 5366 7427 |