Children and Youth Worker Job
We are currently seeking to recruit a children and youth worker. The advertised job is for fulltime work, but part time applications will be considered. A part time appointment would mean negotiating the job description to work in either children's work (i.e. age 11 and under) or youth work (aged 11 and older). Available for download below are the job description and person specifications for the role. An application form for submission is also available below. Please study the job description/person specifications carefully and prayerfully before applying.
Enquiries and completed application forms should be sent to [email protected] (or see the application form for a postal address). The deadline for the submission of application forms is 5pm on Monday 29th February 2016.
Interviews will be on Saturday 12th March 2016.
The interview process is as much about candidates discerning if this is the right church for them, as it is St Mildred's discerning who is the right person for us. We recommend candidates visit a church service at some point to help in this discernment process.
Interviews will be on Saturday 12th March 2016.
The interview process is as much about candidates discerning if this is the right church for them, as it is St Mildred's discerning who is the right person for us. We recommend candidates visit a church service at some point to help in this discernment process.
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